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18 июля 2024 / Thursday / Неделя нечетная
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Scientific interests

Design of energy-effective LED lights for greenhouses

The development of LED lighting street

  • State task of research №7.7556.2013, №3.1148.2013 (2013-2015);
  • Research project in the framework of the project of the government task in the field of scientific activity (science 3.1414.2014): "Energy efficient adaptive LED lighting devices for greenhouse plant growing on the basis of the automated control systems." execution period: 2014-2016;
  • Government contract from 08.07.2011, the number 16.516.11.6100v framework of the Federal Target Program "Research and development on priority directions of scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2007-2013";
  • Government contract № 22/11621/10, «The development of highly efficient and reliable lighting devices and organization of mass production." execution period: 2010-2015.

    certificate of participation, the report "Time-temperature-LED luminescence characteristics"
  1. International Scientific and Practical Conference "Green economy - the future of humanity" (city of Kazakhstan, 2014)
    certificate of participation, the report «Thermal regimes of office led lighting and their energy efficiency»
  2. the XI International scientific-technical conference "Problems and prospects of development of domestic lighting, electrical engineering and energy" (Saransk, 2013)
    certificate of participation, the report "Research temperature conditions LED lamp with power LED currents of different sizes"
  3. the XVIII International scientific-practical conference "Modern Techniques and Technologies" (Tomsk)
    certificate of participation, the report "LED luminaire for street lighting"