At present time I carry out practical and laboratory classes in disciplines: 1.Physical bases of electronics. Отступ первой строки Course Description - physical basics of semiconductor devices. Semiconductor devices: diodes, transistors, IGBT, thyristors, its basic properties and characteristics. Photoemissive devices. AC and DC amplifiers. Operating operational amplifier. Electronic switches. Physical fundamentals of integrated microelectronic techniques.
2.Electronic and microprocessor technology. Отступ первой строки Course Description - modern electronic amplifying, conversion and microprocessor components and devices knowledge formation , as well as the basics of micro-processor data processing.
3.Electric energy power converters. Отступ первой строки Course Description - ways of converting electrical energy from one form to another by means of power semiconductor converters; its basic properties and characteristics; their practical application.
4.Software professional activity. Отступ первой строки Course Description - students' knowledge formation of methods and modern software means of using needed to automate professional activities over all years of study: MathCAD software as means of automating electrotechnical calculations; Processing of experimental results using MS Office Excel electronic worksheets; Virtual Electronic Laboratory on the basis of Electronics Workbench software; Elcut software for solving the 2D field problems; Electrotechnical system's model development and research in Matlab / Simulink software; Computer-aided design.
5.Professional Development Through the English Media. Отступ первой строки Course Description - the study of special terminology in English, improving English language skills, knowledge consolidation on the electrical power engineering and electrotechnics.
5.Computer-aided? networking and information technologies. Отступ первой строки Краткое содержание дисциплины - физические основы работы полупроводниковых приборов. Полупроводниковые приборы: диоды, транзисторы,IGBT, тиристоры, их основные свойства и характеристики. Фотоэлектронные приборы. Усилители постоянного и переменного тока. Операционный усилитель. Электронные ключи. Физические основы интегральной микроэлектронной техники.
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