Сапрыкин Александр Александрович
Кандидат технических наук

Отделение промышленных технологий, Исполняющий обязанности руководителя
Отделение промышленных технологий, Доцент

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1.Saprykina N.A. Formation of the surface layer of powder products kobalthrommolibdenovogo division of technological modes of laser sintering [electronic resource] / NA Saprykina, AA Saprykin, MS Matrunchik // Innovative technologies and economics in engineering: a collection of the works of the V International scientific conference, Yurga, 22-23 May 2014 GV 2 v. / National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), Yurga Institute of Technology (YUTI); Ed. DA Chinahova. - 2014 - Vol 1 - [S. 398-402]. - Title from title page. - Free access from the Internet. - Adobe Reader. Mode of access:

2. Saprykin, Alexander. Simulation of the process of pulsed laser sintering of powder materials [electronic resource] / AA Saprykin, NA Saprykina, E. Ibragimov // Mathematics in the Natural Sciences: a collection of the works of Russian scientific and practical conference of young scientists and students, Yurga, 9-10 October 2014 / Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), Yurga Institute of Technology (YUTI); Ed. count. A. Berezovsky and others .. - Tomsk: Publishing house TPU, 2014 - [S. 155-160]. - Title from title screen. - Free access from the Internet. - Adobe Reader. Mode of access:

3. Saprykina N.A. Improving the technology of formation of the surface layer of articles produced a fiber laser sintering [electronic resource] / NA Saprykina, AA Saprykin // Innovative technologies and economics in engineering: a collection of the IV International scientific-practical conference with the elements of scientific school for young scientists, May 23-25, 2013, Jürg / National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), Yurga Institute of Technology (YUTI); Ed. DA Chinahova. - Tomsk: Publishing house TPU, 2013. - [C. 273-275]. - Title from title page. - Free access from the Internet. - Adobe Reader. Mode of access:

4.Saprykina, Natalia A.. The study of the mechanical properties of sintered metal laser / NA Saprykina, AA Saprykin // Innovative technologies and economics in engineering: a collection of the works of the International scientific-practical conference with the elements of scientific school for young scientists, 20-21 May 2010 g . Jurga / National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), Yurga Institute of Technology (YUTI); Ed. DA Chinahova. - Tomsk: Publishing house TPU, 2010. - P. 217-220

5. Saprykin, Alexander. Assessing the impact of laser radiation on the properties of the sintered powder layer / Saprykin AA, NA Saprykina // Actual problems of modern materials science: Proceedings of the All-Russian conference with members of the scientific school for young people dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the founding of the department "Metallurgy of Ferrous Metals "Yurga technological Institute (branch) TPU, December 9-11, 2009, Jürg / Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), Yurga Institute of Technology (YUTI). - Tomsk: Publishing house TPU, 2009. - P. 95-100

6.Saprykin, Alexander. Speed sintering powders by pulsed laser radiation / Saprykin AA, NA Saprykina // Progressive technology and economics in mechanical engineering: Trudy III All-Russian scientific-practical conference, May 19-21, 2005, Jürg 2 m. / Tomsk Polytechnic University; Ed. O. Retuinskih. - 2005. - T. 1. - P. 36-37

7.Saprykin, Alexander. Methods to improve the accuracy of the prototypes in rapid prototyping technology / Saprykin AA, NA Saprykina // Modern Techniques and Technologies: X Anniversary International Scientific and Practical Conference of students and young scientists dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the city of Tomsk, Tomsk March 29 - April 2, 2004 g.trudy / Tomsk Polytechnic University. - 2004. - T. 1. - P. 189-190

8.Saprykin, Alexander. Method of calculating the thickness of the sintered powder layer by pulsed laser radiation / Saprykin AA, NA Saprykina // Modern Problems of Mechanical Engineering: Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Technical Conference, Tomsk, December 8-10, 2004 / Tomsk Polytechnic University. - Tomsk: Publishing house TPU, 2004. - P. 444-447

9. Saprykin, Alexander. Manufacture of products of synthesis methods of layered materials plastmassopodobnyh / Saprykin AA, NA Saprykina // Progressive technology and economics in mechanical engineering: Proceedings of the II All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference, 29-30 April 2004, Jürg / Tomsk Polytechnic University; Advanced technology and economics in mechanical engineering; Ed. O. Retuinskih. - 2004. - T. 1. - P. 139-141

10. Saprykina, Natalia A.. Using the software system MATLAB environment and PPP NOTEBOOK in the course "Theory of mechanisms and machines" / NA Saprykina // Progressive technology and economics in mechanical engineering: proceedings of the regional scientific-practical conference, Jurga, 25-26 April 2002 / Tomsk Polytechnic University; Yurga branch of TPU; Ans. Ed. BG Dolgunov. - Jürg: Branch TPU Yurga, 2002. - P. 120-121

Key publications for the period 2014-2015 gg

Publications in journals indexed in the abstract databases Scopus or Web of Science:

1. Saprykin, AA Improvement of surface layer formation technology for articles produced by layer-by-layer laser sintering. /N.A. Saprykina // Applied Mechanics and Ma-terials. - 2013 - Vol. 379. - p. 56-59.

2. Saprykin, AA Influence of Layer-by-layer Laser Sintering Modes on the Thickness of Sintered Layer of Cobalt-chromium-molybdenum Powder / NA Saprykina, D. V. Dudikhin, S.M. Emelyanenko // Advanced Materials Re-search. - 2014 - Vol. 1040 / - p. 805-808.

3. Saprykin, AA Formation of Surface Layer of Cobalt Chrome Molybdenum Powder Products with Differentiation of Laser Sintering Modes / NA Saprykina, M.S. Matrunchik // Applied Mechanics and Ma-terials.- 2014 - Vol. 682- p. 294-298

Publications in peer-reviewed journals included in the list of HAC:

4. Saprykin, AA The concept of modes of laser sintering of powder materials / NA Saprykina, AA Saprykin // Bulletin of the Kuzbass State Technical University. - 2010. - №3. - S. 49-52.

5. Saprykin, AA The use of rapid prototyping technology in the manufacture of mining equipment / AA Saprykin, NA Saprykina // Mining Engineering. - 2010.-№ OV3. - S. 34-40.

6. Saprykin, AA The study of factors affecting the quality of the surface obtained by laser sintering / NA Saprykina, AA Saprykin, DA Shigaev // Metal. - 2011. - № 4. - S. 78-82.

7. Saprykin, AA The use of selective laser sintering for the manufacture of copper electrode-tool / AA Saprykin, NA Saprykina // Mining Engineering. - 2011. - № OB2. - S. 416-419.

8. Saprykina, NA Effect of mechanical activation of metallic powders on the quality of the surface layer, laminating the resulting synthesis technology / NA Saprykina, AA Saprykin, VI Yakovlev // Metal. - 2012. - № 4. - S. 108-110.

9. Saprykina, NA The use of selective laser sintering for the manufacture of mining equipment / NA Saprykina, AA Saprykin // Mining Engineering. - 2012. - № OV3. - S. 25-29.

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