- Mathematics: manual: for students of specialties 240401 - Chemical technology of organic substances. 240403 - Chemical technology of natural energy carriers and hydrocarbonic materials. 240304 - Chemical technology of refractory nonmetallic and silicate materials. 280201 - Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources / V. I. Rozhkova [etc.]. P.1. — Tomsk: Publishing house of TPU, 2007. — 48 with. — In NTB TPU fund is absent.
- Mathematics: manual / V. I. Rozhkova [etc.]. H. 3. — Tomsk: Publishing house of TPU, 2007. — 77 with. — In NTB TPU fund is absent.
- Mathematics: manual / V. I. Rozhkova [etc.]. P.1. — Tomsk: Publishing house of TPU, 2007. — 47 with. — In NTB TPU fund is absent.
- Mathematics: manual: for students of institute of geology and oil and gas business / V. I. Rozhkova [etc.]. P.1. — Tomsk: Publishing house of TPU, 2008. — 48 with. — In NTB TPU fund is absent.