Ротарь Ольга Васильевна
Кандидат химических наук

Отделение химической инженерии, Доцент

Тел.: 8 (3822) 60-61-20
Вн. телефон: 1452
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07 марта 2025 / Friday / Неделя нечетная
Time tableРасписание
    Fundamentals of Microbiology and Biotechnology     
    Principles for the development of low-waste and non-waste technologies     
    Creative design     
    Teaching and research work of students     

Principles for the development of low-waste and non-waste technologies

    The course refers to the basic cycle of disciplines PLO direction 18.03.02 "Energy and resource saving processes in chemical engineering, petrochemical and biotechnology."

    In the study of discipline students get acquainted with the principles of design and development of chemical-technological processes for non-waste technology,

    as well as the integrated use of raw materials, secondary material and energy resources.

    For the full assimilation of discipline are important knowledge, skills and competencies acquired by students in the study subjects:

    • "General Inorganic Chemistry",
    • "Ecology",
    • "Organic Chemistry",
    • "Processes and Apparatuses of Chemical Technology",
    • "Fundamentals of Microbiology and Biotechnology"
    • "Environmental Industry"
    • As a result, teaching students skills are formed using the methods of ecological production software;

      experimental methods of economic evaluation of the damage from the activities of the enterprise;

      methods of selection of rational method of reducing the impact on the environment, methods of ecological security and environmental engineering.
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