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1982 - 2012 - National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (Cybernetic Center, ASU university department, the Department of Informatization of Education UMU) engineer, chief engineer, a leading psychologist.
Area of ​​activity: interactive technologies and operational feedback into the learning process, the development and implementation of psycho-pedagogical support of the teacher and students in the learning process.
The results of the study of psychological support automated educational systems allowed us to formulate the psychological and pedagogical foundations of subject-subject interaction between teacher and student in the information educational environment of open and distance education.

From 1995 - 2012 worked as a psychologist leading the department of social-psychological research TPU.
Area of activity: psychological consultation in the internal mode and online form, study the psychological component of professional pedagogical consciousness, manifestations of individuality in space education, the psychological aspects of a high school teacher, analyze the effect of individual characteristics on the success of students learning.

Since 2012 Rogozhkina Irana D. is working at the Department of Engineering Pedagogy Institute of the strategic partnership and competences TPU as an associate professor.