Разумников Сергей Викторович
Кандидат технических наук

Отделение цифровых технологий и безопасности, Доцент
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3. Theoretical basis of the information society.

Annotation.The interaction of the information society and a change in social regulators, including morality, as well as the structural change of the whole society. An example of a highly organized social system is the information society. Thus, in today's society it is a topical problem of studying the concept of "information society".

4. Graphical information systems.

Annotation.There is a special area of ​​computer science which studies methods and tools for creating and processing images using the hardware and software computer systems - computer graphics. It covers all types and forms of presentation of images available to human perception or on the screen or in the form of copies on external media. No computer graphics is impossible to imagine not only the computer, but usually, it is the material world. Data visualization is used in various spheres of human activity.

3. Information systems in accounting and auditing.
The purpose of the discipline - acquisition of knowledge of students in the field of information systems of accounting and auditing. In the process of learning of the discipline, students acquire knowledge in the field of automation of accounting bases of the organization, the goals and objectives of accounting information system of the organization; principles of operation of the system 1C: Accounting 8; the ability to conduct the program on accounting in the organization; install and configure the information system of accounting to the needs of the organization; address the causes of inefficient and improper operation of information systems; develop and refine their own information products based on 1C: Accounting.
4. The theoretical basis for the creation of the information society.
Annotation. The main regularities of the formation and development of the information society, property information and features information processes. The course is designed for students enrolled in the direction 9.3.03 Applied Informatics (Bachelor).
5. Internet programming.
Annotation. The course is devoted to acquaintance students with computer telecommunications and possible approaches to the development of hypertext documents, intended for publication in global computer network Internet. The main topics: principles of functioning of the Internet global computer network; programming the client and server; the use of databases in the web-projects; ways to promote Internet-resources.
6. Information systems and technologies.
Annotation. During the course students get acquainted with the properties of complex systems, systems approach to their study, the concept of management of such systems, the principles of construction of information systems, their classification, architecture, composition of functional and providing subsystems, with the main trends of information in the field of economics and management, acquire practical skills in the use of information technologies in various fields of industrial, administrative and commercial activities. Important in the learning process becomes self-mastery skills orientation in a diverse market of computer programs and information systems.
7. Computer Workshop (PC user).
As a result of the development of the discipline Computer workshop: PC user bachelor acquires knowledge and skills to ensure the achievement of the purposes of the basic educational program "Computer workshop: PC user." The discipline aims to introduce the bachelors with the basic practical skills of using a personal computer, with a focus on increasing computer literacy.
Tomsk Polytechnic University
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