Publishing in journals - Goldschmidt M.G., Jaworski M.I., Kozar D.M. Energy savings in the design of machines and technologies // Energy saving. - 2011 - №. 8 - p. 62-64
- Kozar D.M., Goldschmidt M.G. Ways of reducing the auxiliary time when disposing of tires milling // Problems of modern machines: Proceedings of the V International Conference, Ulan-Ude, 25-30 June 2012. - Ulan-Ude: East -Sibirsky State University of Technology and Management, 2012 - Volume 1 - p. 67-71
- Kozar D.M., Krauinsh P.Y. mathematical model of the machine for recycling tires milling // Problems of modern machines: Proceedings of the V International Conference, Ulan-Ude, 25-30 June 2012. - Ulan-Ude: East -Sibirsky State University of Technology and Management, 2012 - Volume 1 - p. 213-216
- Kozar D.M., Mymrin N.Y., Goldschmidt M.G. Device for recycling waste tires // Modern Problems of Mechanical Engineering: Proceedings of the VI International Scientific and Technical Conference, Tomsk, September 28-October 2, 2011. - Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2011 - p. 264-266
- Kozar D.M. Improving the efficiency of grinding on the line of rubber recycling // Modern Techniques and Technologies: Proceedings of the XVI International scientific-practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists. In three volumes. V.1. - Tomsk, TPU, 12-16 April. 2010. - Tomsk: Publishing house. TPU, 2010. - p. 336-337 (17082856)
- Krauinsh P.Y. Goldschmidt M.G., Bukhanchenko S.E., Kozar D.M. Information support of mathematical models in engineering problems // Problems of Informatics. - 2012, Vol. Special Issue - p. 134-137
- Kozar D.M., Krauinsh P.Y. Kinematics and dynamics of formation of the cutting forces in milling elastic shell [electronic resource] // Education & Science: Scientific and technical electronic edition. - 2013 - №. 4. - p. 287-308. - Mode of access: http://technomag.edu.ru/doc/541767.html
- Kozar D.M., Krauinsh P.Y. Determination of radial and tangential stiffness tires // Modern problems of the theory of machines: Proceedings of the I International extramural scientific-practical conference, Novokuznetsk, 13-20 May 2013. - Novokuznetsk: Publishing Center SibGIU 2013 - p. 136-140
- Kozar D.M., Krauinsh P.Y. Determination of the natural frequency of the elastic membrane and its connecting mass // Theoretical and applied aspects of modern science: Collection of scientific papers on the materials of the International scientific and practical conference, Belgorod, June 30, 2014. - Belgorod Belgorod, 2014 - p. 21-29
Patents - Goldschmidt M.G., Kozar D.M., Temirov A.G., Vendrikh Z.I. A device for the disposal of waste tires: RF Pat. 104511 Rus. Federation. №2010149939 / 05: appl. 07.12.10; publ. 20.05.11. Bull. №14
- Porokhin A.V. Kozar D.M. The separator for the automatic separation of the stem from the fork cabbage: RF Pat. 150286 Rus. Federation. №2014119012 / 13: appl. 12/05/14; publ. 10.02.15. Bull. №4
Educational literature - Sotnikov N.N., Kozar D.M. Basics of modeling in SolidWorks: Tutorial / N.N. Sotnikov, D.M. Kozar. Tomsk Polytechnic University. - Tomsk: Publishing house of Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2012. - 134 p.
- Kozar D.M. Machine tools: Guidelines for laboratory work on the course "Machine tools" for IV year students enrolled in the direction 151900 "Design and technological support for engineering industries" and 150700 "Engineering". Comp. DM Kozar; Tomsk Polytechnic University. - Tomsk: Publishing house of Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2012. - 51 p.