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  1. Pakhomova E.G., Ustinova I.G. Application of computer tests at the organization of self study of students // Priority scientific directions: from the theory to practice: the collection of materials XII International scientific and practical conference, Novosibirsk, June 30, 2014 – Novosibirsk: CPNC, 2014 - P. 70-76
  2. Ustinova I.G., Pakhomova E.G. Evaluation of the autocorrelation function as a linear combination of exponentials [Electronic resource] // Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University / Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPY). — 2013. — V. 323, № 2 : Mathematics and Mechanics. Physics. — [P. 37-42]. — The title from title page. — The electronic version of the printed publication. — Easy access from the Internet. — Adobe Reader.
  3. Yanuschik O.V., Sherstneva A.I., Pakhomova E.G. Contextual tasks as a mean of formation of technical students key competencies // Contemporary issues of science and education. – 2013 – №. 6. – P. 1-6.
  4. Sherstneva A.I., Yanuschik O.V., Pakhomova E.G. Analogy of application as the way of improving foreign students’ competence // Contemporary issues of science and education. – 2013 – №. 6. – P. 1.
  5. Sherstneva A.I., Pakhomova E.G., Yanuschik O.V. Improving subject competence of foreign students by analogy of application // Contemporary issues of science and education. – 2013 – №. 3. – C. 1.
  6. Glazirina E.D., Ephremova O.N., Pakhomova E.G. Mathematics study guide as a tool for international student academic adaptation at university // Contemporary issues of science and education. — 2013. — № 6. — [8 p.].
  7. Andreyeva U.V., Danilyuk E.Yu., Dyomin N.S., Rozhkova S.V., Pakhomova E.G. The use of probabilistic methods to the study of exotic options and purchase a European-style based on extreme values of risky asset prices [Electronic resource] // Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University / Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPY). — 2012. — V. 321, № 6 : The Economy. Philosophy, sociology and cultural science. History. — [P. 5-12]. — The title from title page. — The electronic version of the printed publication. — Easy access from the Internet.. — Adobe Reader.
  8. Andreyeva U.V., Danilyuk E.Yu., Dyomin N.S., Rozhkova S.V., Pakhomova E.G. European option purchase LUKBEK floating strike [Electronic resource] // Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University / Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPY). — 2012. — V. 321, №6: he Economy. Philosophy, sociology and cultural science. History. — [P. 13-15]. — The title from title page. — The electronic version of the printed publication. — Easy access from the Internet. — Adobe Reader.
  9. Nekryach E.N., Podberezina E.I., Pakhomova E.G. Leveling course as a way to improve the efficiency of the educational process [ Electronic resource] // Tier training: national and international standards of engineering education [Electronic resource]: the collection of works Scientific Conference, March 10-11, 2011, Tomsk / National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPY). — Tomsk: TPU press, 2011. — [P. 203]. — The title from title page. — Easy access from the Internet. — Adobe Reader.
  10. Podberezina E.I., Nekryach E.N., Pakhomova E.G., Sherstneva A.I., Glazirina E.D. Integrative approach in the educational process // Applied Philology: ideas, concepts, projects: the collection of articles of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference, October 27-29, 2010 / National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPY), Institute of International Education and Language Communication; edited by. S.A. Pesotskaya. — 2010. — Part. 1. — P. 206-210
  11. Glazirina E.D., Nekryach E.N., Pakhomova E.G., Podberezina E.I., Sherstneva A.I. Features mathematics teaching foreign students at the preparatory faculty // Applied Philology: ideas, concepts, projects: the collection of articles of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference, October 27-29, 2010 / National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPY), Institute of International Education and Language Communication; edited by. S.A. Pesotskaya. — 2010. — Part 1. — P. 216-222
  12. Belomestnykh L.A., Novoselova G.P., Pakhomova E.G. Incentives for independent work of students in mathematics elite technical education // Improving the content and technology of the educational process: the collection of articles of scientific and methodical conference, Tomsk, February 12-13, 2010 / Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPY). — Tomsk: TPU press, 2010. — P. 53-54
  13. Belomestnykh L.A., Novoselova G.P., Pakhomova E.G. Generation of system knowledge in mathematics // Modern education: prospects of multidisciplinary technical university: the collection of articles of scientific and methodical conference – Tomsk, January 28-29> 2010. – Tomsk: TUSUR University, 2010. - P. 286-288 (9382911)
  14. Belomestnykh L.A., Novoselova G.P., Pakhomova E.G. Self-identity in an elite education // Modernization of engineering and general education: problems and prospects: work material of VII All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference, November 12, 2009, Yurga / Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPY), Yurga technologic Institute (UTI). — Yurga: TPU press, 2009. — P. 169-171
  15. Glazirina E.D., Ephremova O.N., Imas O.N., Nekryach E.N., Pakhomova E.G., Podberezina E.I., Sherstneva A.I. Bigger didactic units as a factor in reducing the time of preparation of foreign students // Methodology of teaching and efficiency of academic, social, cultural and psychological adaptation of foreign students in the Russian high school: theoretical and applied aspects: work material All-Russian seminar, October 21-23, 2008 / Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPY), Institute of International Education and Language Communication. — 2008. — V. 1. — P. 119-124
  16. Imas O.N., Pakhomova E.G. Development Tendency of Mathematical Education of TPU Engineer in Accordance with Requirement of SEFI (тезисы). SEFI 2006 34th Annual Conference ENGINEERING EDUCATION AND ACTIVE STUDENTS. June 28-July 1, Uppsala, Sweden, p.108
  17. Imas O.N., Pakhomova E.G. Leveling course - one of the means of improving the quality of education ( article). Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. – 2004. – V 307. – №7. – P. 159–161.
  18. Krylov P.A., Pakhomova E.G. When the Group Hom(A,B) is an Injective E(B)- Module?( article). Mathematical Notes. – 2004. – Том 75. – Vol. 1. – P. 100–108.
  19. Krylov P.A., Pakhomova E.G. Abelian Groups and Regular Modules ( article). Mathematical Notes. – 2001. – Том 69. – Vol. 3. – P. 402–411.
  20. Krylov P.A., Pakhomova E.G., Podberezina E.I. About one class of mixed Abelian Groups ( article). Bulletin of TSU – January 2001. – №269, – P. 46–50.
  21. Pakhomova E.G. The Study of the Group Hom(D,B) as regular E(B)- Module for divisible group D (article). Abelian Groups and Modules: collection of articles. – Tomsk: TSU, 2000. V. 15. – P. 55-61.
  22. Krylov P.A., Pakhomova E.G. Abelian groups and regular modules (theses). International seminar " Universal algebra and application ". Volgograd, 1999. – P. 43–44.
  23. Krylov P.A., Pakhomova E.G. Abelian groups as injective modules over endomorphism rings (article). Fundamental and Applied Mathematics. – 1998. – V. 4. – №4. – P. 1365–1384.
  24. Pakhomova E.G. Abelian groups as regular modules over endomorphism rings (theses). International conference "Siberian's reading by mathematics and mechanic": theses of reports. V.1. Mathematics. Tomsk: TSU Press, 1997. – P. 32–33.
  25. Pakhomova E.G. On the Injectives Hom(A,B) as E(B)- module (theses). International Algebraic Conference: Theses of reports. SPb., 1997. – P. 253–254.
  26. Krylov P.A., Pakhomova E.G. The Study of the Group Hom(A,B) as injective E(B)- module (article). Abelian Groups and Modules. Tomsk: TSU Press, 1996. V. 13,14. – P.132-169.
  27. Pakhomova E.G. Group Hom(A,B) as injective module over endomorphism rings (theses). Symposium on Abelian groups: theses of reports. Biysk: SRC BSPI, 1994. – P.21.
  28. Krylov P.A., Pakhomova E.G. Abelian groups as injective modules over endomorphism rings (theses). Symposium on Abelian groups: theses of reports. Biysk: SRC BSPI, 1994. – P. 15–16.
  29. Pakhomova E.G. On Definiteness of Completely Decomposable Torsion Free Abelian Groups by Homorphism Groups. (article). Abelian Groups and Modules. Tomsk: TSU Press, 1994. V. 11,12. – P. 184–192.