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Associate Professor:Aug 2013-till date
SITS, Pune University - Pune, India
< ul type="square"> < li>Instructor for subjects: Mechanics of composite materials, Finite Element Methods < /li>
< li>Co-Advisor of two graduate students (Project work going on in DRDO- Defence Research and Development Organization in area of NDT of composite materials) < /li><

Research Assistant/ Research Engineer :2009-July 2013
North Carolina State University, Smart Composites Lab - Raleigh, NC < ul type="square"> < li>Fabricated 2x2 twill weave carbon fiber-epoxy pre-preg composites to test response of non-destructive evaluation methods to inclusions (manufacturing defects) and to low velocity impact damage (in-service defects) < li>Designed and implemented Pulsed Phase Thermography setup for non-destructive evaluation of defects in aerospace composites < /li>
< li>Supervised experimental research, mechanical troubleshooting and scientific development < /li>
< li>Developed a new approach of analyzing through the thickness impact damage initiation and progression for aerospace composites by using Pulsed Phase Thermography and Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) optical sensors and validated by using finite element analysis and microscopy < /li>
< li>Developed ideas and worked on the other projects in the lab: defect detection in Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) strengthened concrete, fatigue defect detection in CFRP adhesive bonded joints, impact damage detection in textile GFRP specimens with carbon nano-tubes < /li>

Graduate Teaching Assistant: 2009-2010
North Carolina State University, Mechanical Engineering Department - Raleigh, NC < ul type="square"> < li>Provided instructional support and graded the courses: Heat transfer fundamentals, Analysis for mechanical engineering design, Aerospace structures, Strength of mechanical components < /li>

Assistant Professor: Aug 2007-Dec 2008 Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Department of Mechanical Engineering - Pune, India < ul type="square"> < li>Instructor for subjects: Finite Element Methods, Computer Aided Design, Computer Integrated Manufacturing < /li>
< li>Worked on Computer Aided Design and Finite Element Analysis projects for undergraduate and graduate students < /li>
< li>Member of college grant and research proposal committee - writing to be submitted to AICTE (All India Committee for Technical Education) grant commission, a Federal body < /li>

Lecturer: Jan 2002-Aug 2007
Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Department of Mechanical Engineering - Pune, India < ul type="square"> < li>Instructor for subjects: Machine Design, Computer Graphics, Theory of machines, Engineering Graphics, Applied Mechanics, Elements of Mechanical Engineering < /li>
< li>Worked with CAD/CAE consultants on undergraduate student projects < /li>
< li>Department Training and placement co-ordinator < /li>
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