Пасечник Елена Юрьевна
Кандидат геолого-минералогических наук

Отделение геологии, Доцент
Организационный отдел, Ведущий эксперт

Тел.: 8 (3822) 60-63-91
Вн. телефон: 2978
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Course Title Level Semester (Winter, Summer)
Complex use and protection of water resources Bachelor SS
Engineering-hydrometeorological investigation Master SS

The main objectives of the Complex use and protection of water resources are as follows:

- protection of water bodies;

- prevention and elimination the harmful effects of water;

- questions of economy, rational use of natural waters;

- protection of sources of water supply from dump of the crude sewage.

The main objectives of the Engineering-ecological investigations are as follows:

- investigation of the natural and technogenic conditions of the territory, commercial application and social sphere of the territory of location of the object;

- evaluation of the modern state of the components of the natural environment in a given territory (underground and surface water, soils, atmospheric air, biota), manifestation of the physical risk factors (level of noise, vibration, electromagnetic field) and epidemiological situation;

-identification of unfavorable natural and technogenic factors;

- forecast of the possible negative ecological consequences in the process of construction and operation of the object and development of the measures for their abatement or prevention;

- preparation of the data for the ecological study of the design documentation, and also for development of the material for evaluation of the environmental impact.