Сумцова Ольга Витальевна
Кандидат филологических наук

Отделение иностранных языков, Доцент

Вн. телефон: 2256
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12 марта 2025 / Wednesday / Неделя четная
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Teaching the discipline "Foreign language" (English). The discipline "Foreign Language" (English) is a discipline included in the part of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines. The goal of this discipline is to achieve a sufficient level of knowledge to solve problems of communication in a foreign language in everyday situations, social and academic communication and implement the further autonomous learning and cognitive activity using a foreign language. The discipline "Foreign Language" (English) is studied 2 years and includes 12 modules (themes).

Modules (themes): Modern Teaching Approaches, Effective Teaching Methods, Teaching and Learning Activities, Blended Learning, Foreign Language for Specific Purposes, Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages, Multicultural and Multilingual Education

  • 1. Visiting Card
  • 2. Students’ Life
  • 3. Healthy Lifestyle
  • 4. Travelling
  • 5. Environmental Protection
  • 6. Modern Technologies and Inventions
  • 7. Higher Education
  • 8. Career Planning
  • 9. World of Work
  • 10. Engineering
  • 11. Basic Concepts of Engineering
  • 12. Engineering Materials