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27 сентября 2024 / Friday / Неделя четная
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Olga Ivanovna Tyukulmina has been working in Tomsk Polytechnic University since 1979. She had been working as a senior lecturer of the Department of philosophy since 1997. In 2015 she started to work as a senior lecturer of the Department of history and philosophy of science and technology. Olga I. Tyukulmina provides such basic courses as «Philosophy», «Philosophical and methodological problems of science and technology», as well as «Organizational culture. Organizational behavior», «Social work basis», «Social technologies of personnel development», «Management of social personnel development » for students of “Social work” and “Human resource management” of Institute of Humanities, Social science and Technologies, TPU. For a long period of time she was responsible for the enrollment of “Social work” and “Human resource management”. At the present time she is responsible for educational and practical training organization of students of “Social work” and “Human resource management” of all modes of study.

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