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- Medical Informatics
- Decision Support
- System Analysis
- Theory of Systems
The research focuses on the development of the theory of analysis and synthesis of intellectual medical information systems and methods of their analysis and modeling. The approach that has been proposed by the author combines system analysis, knowledge engineering, business process reengineering and contributes to the theory of sematic system modeling. The designed requirements and class models’ implementation methods that are based on the process model advance the integrated modelling techniques with a declarative model as a core. This allows connecting a set of models describing complex systems. Developed modal logic reverses inference methods for the KT advance he theory of modal formalisms and not goal oriented inference strategies. This allows to apply modal operands to model medical knowledge to advance the automated knowledge synthesis in healthcare. The implemented methods, models and algorithms allow designing intellectual medical information systems considering international standards and nomenclatures like ISO 13606, SNOMED, LOINC, CCR. This advances standardization on the healthcare. The main research results were published in 44 papers indexed in the Russian citation index, SCOPUS and Web of Science. The author has received 5 international scientific awards.