Olga Mityanina is Assistant within Mathematical Modeling of Chemical Engineering Processes at the Institute of Natural Resources, Tomsk Polytechnic University. My interests: My scientific interests involve problems of steady states multiplicity observed in complex reactive or reactive distillation (RD) systems. Reactive distillation is considered as a promising and economically sound way of the process realization in comparison with the conventional schemes, where separation unit follows reactive apparatus. But at the same time many researches point on difficulties in design and control of such processes because of “input-output” multiplicities. This fact restricts an application area of reactive distillation in chemical technology. The solution to the problem, in my opinion, lies in precise investigation of the process by means of mathematical models based on physical and chemical fundamentals. Education: PhD Thesis “Optimization of high-octane additives synthesis in the reaction distillation columns” (2011) PhD studies at Tomsk Polytechnic University (2008-2011) Specialist degree (five years) in Chemical Technology with qualification of Chemical Cybernetics at Tomsk Polytechnic University (2008) Final year project: “Mini-refineries: perspectives and disadvantages” BSc in Chemical Technology and Biotechnology at Tomsk Polytechnic University (2007) Work history: I joined Tomsk Polytechnic University as postgraduate student and assistant in 2009. Since that time, I have been teaching Mathematical Modeling of Chemical Engineering processes, Design of Chemical Engineering processes and Programmingat Chemical Technology of Fuel and Chemical Cybernetics Department, Institute of Natural Resources. Positions of responsibility - Member of initiative group established for modernization of the educational program “Chemical Technology” in compliance with CDIO educational concept
- Scientific supervisor of bachelor and master degree students at Chemical Technology of Fuel and Chemical Cybernetics Department
Other interests: Irish dance and Celtic culture English literature, politics, music, computer games.