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15 февраля 2025 / Saturday / Неделя четная
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1. Alekseyev M., Aryanova E., Ivanov S., Karpova O., Korshunov C., Trofimchuk O., Shevchenko I. photobioreactors for cultivation of chlorella // science-education potential of youth in solving urgent problems of the XXI century. - 2015 - number. 3. - C. 221-223

2. Alekseyev M., Aryanova E., Ivanov S., Korshunov C., Trofimchuk O., Shevchenko I. Developing energy efficient photobioreactor for cultivation of chlorella // From project engineering to construction : materials section of students and pupils VI scientific-technical conference of young specialists, Omsk, 7 November 2015 - Omsk: Omskblankizdat 2015 - C. 12-14

3. Alekseyev M., Aryanova E., Ivanov S., Karpova O., Korshunov C., Trofimchuk O., Shevchenko I. Investigation of the conditions of cultivation of chlorella with LED irradiators // Problems and prospects of development of domestic lighting, electrical engineering and power engineering: materials XII All-Russian scientific conference with international participation, Saransk, 28-29 May 2015. - Saransk: Afanasyev V. - 2015 - C. 255-260

4. Alekseyev M., Aryanova E., Ivanov S., Karpova O., Korshunov C., Trofimchuk O., Shevchenko I. Plant for cultivation of microalgae Chlorella [electronic resource] // resource-efficient technologies - the energy and enthusiasm of the young: a collection of scientific works of VI All-Russian conference, Tomsk, 22-24 April 2015. - Tomsk: TPU 2015 - C. 377-381 - http: //www.lib.tpu. ru / fulltext / c / 2015 / C08 / C08.pdf

5. Aryanova E., Ivanov S., Karpova O., Trofimchuk O., Shevchenko I., Alekseev М., Korshunov K. Cultivator for cultivating chlorella in vitro // future Architects: proceedings of All-Russian scientific school of engineering inventions, design and development of innovations, Tomsk, 28-30 November 2014. - Tomsk: TPU 2014 - C. 18-23

6. S. Ivanov, A. Malakhov, О. Trofimchuk. Automated photobioreactor for cultivation of microalgae Chlorella Vulgaris // Modern techniques and technologies: Proceedings XXI International scientific conference of students, graduate students and young scientists. In 2 v. V.2. / Tomsk Polytechnic University. - Tomsk: Publishing house of Tomsk Polytechnic University, 5-9 October 2015 - p. 85-87

7. Trofimchuk O. Development of LED lamp for chlorella cultivator // Young lighting Russia: a collection of abstracts of scientific and technical conference, Moscow, 10-13 November 2015. - Moscow: MEI, 2015 - C. 82-83

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