Никулина Ирина Евгеньевна
Доктор экономических наук

Отделение управления бизнесом и инновациями, Профессор

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The main results of research Nikulina Irina E. are reflected in more than 120 publications: monographs, papers, abstracts of papers at international conferences, as well as in the research of graduate students and applicants, grants, economic agreements and expert opinions.


Grants under the direction of Nikulina Irina E., R&D contracts, state budget research and other state budget funds.


1) Contract # M08 / 3 13-224 / 08U from 17.11.2008, on the execution of works on the organization and conduct in 2008-2009 Tomsk Oblast Development Strategy till 2020 monitoring and the Program of socio-economic development of Tomsk region for the period 2006-2010 The cost of 350 000 rubles


2) Contract # M08 / 3 13-224 / 08U from 17.11.2008, on the execution of works on the organization and conduct in 2008-2009 Tomsk Oblast Development Strategy till 2020 monitoring and the Program of socio-economic development of Tomsk region for the period 2006-2010 The cost of 350 000 (three hundred and fifty thousand) rubles


3) Contract # 22/13 from 29.10. 2013 on the implementation of scientific research, development (transfer) of scientific research products. Research on the development of "system for monitoring of legislation in the field of innovations activities in the regions". Cost - 250 000 (two hundred and fifty thousand) rubles (supplement to n. 13 IK)


4) Public contract "Science", "Study of the theory of adaptation of science and higher education in the conditions of innovative transformations in society." State registration number of R&D: 01201251375. Beginning 01.01.2012, Ending - 31.12.2014 (application to p. 11 of IK)


Expert opinions of Nikulina Irina E. for 2014-2015


1. On the strategy of innovative development of the Tomsk region till 2025, March 2014

2. On the results of socio-economic development of Tomsk region for 2014 and the draft plan of action to achieve the targets of socio-economic development of the Tomsk region for 2015, April 2014

3. The concept of innovation and the territorial center "INO Tomsk ', April 2014

4. Programs:

- The development of innovative businesses;

- Development of investment activity;

- Development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Tomsk region;

- Development of agriculture in the Tomsk region, September 2014.

5. Formulation of proposals on the list of priority and socially significant markets for competition stimulation and the establishment of targets for them", May 2015

6. Development programs for energy companies in the Tomsk Region, March - November 2015

7. The program of formation of "Agglomeration of Tomsk, Seversk and Tomsk region", November 2015.

And others.


Number of publications in WoS, Scopus:


1. Nikulina I.E., Khomenko I.V. Cognitive management: theory and practice in the organization / Journal Scopus Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences № 166 (2015) pages 441 - 445

2. Nikulina I.E. Khomenko I.V. Interdependence of Demographic and Economic Development of Regions / Journal Scopus Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences №166, 07.01. 2015


Number of citations in WoS, Scopus – 2


Number of publications in journals from the VAK List:

  1. Nikulina I.E., Khomenko I.V. System-factors in the development of regional socio-economic complex / Regional economy: theory practice 20 (113) - 2009 July.
  2. Nikulina I.E., Tarabanovsky A.A. Modern approaches in the financial management of the university / Fundamental Research, 2009, - number 1.
  3. Nikulina I.E., Tarabanovsky A.A. "Monitoring Analysis" and "monitor-test" in the system of financial planning of the Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education / Fundamental Research, 2009, - number 5
  4. Nikulina I.E., Khomenko I.V. Evaluating the effectiveness of the program of socio-economic development of the region / Regional economy: theory practice, 8 (143) - 2010 February.
  5. Nikulina I.E. Innovations in modern management / Bulletin of the TSU, number 342, January 2011, pp 159-162
  6. Nikulina I.E., Proschaeva N.V. Innovations in financial management institution / TSU Bulletin, Economics, № 4 (12), 2010 December, S.165-170
  7. Nikulina I.E., Proschaeva N.V. Funds of Russian universities Endowment: state and prospects of development / News TPU, T. 319, number 6, 2011 (philosophy and economics, sociology and cultural studies.) Pp 20-23
  8. Nikulin IE Recent innovative models: basic aspects and features / Nikulina I.E., O.L. Lyamzin, E.E. Dosuzheva // Herald SibADI. 2012. № 1 (23). S. 109
  9. Nikulina I.E. Problems of Russian Education Masters in Management / Bulletin of the Tomsk State University. Economy. №4 (20) 2012 S.193-198
  10. Nikulina I.E. The banking system of Russia: problems of development and cooperation with universities / Proceedings of the TPU. Economy. Philosophy, sociology and cultural studies. History. T.321- №6. 2012 .S.20-24
  11. Nikulina I.E. Practice-competence-based approach in the preparation of a personnel reserve / Problems of the theory and practice of management №6 /2014g.S.108-117
  12. Nikulina I.E. Controlling in the Research University / Magazine "Scientific Review» № 7, 2014 S.492
  13. Nikulina I.E. Controlling System in Research University. / Journal "Higher Education in Russia" №2 2015 S. 80-87
  14. Nikulina I.E. "The interdependence of demographic and economic development of the region" / journal "Economy and Entrepreneurship» №1, 2015 Page. 308-311

And others

Number of participations with invited presentations at international conferences:


  1. Nikulina I.E. The control system economy based on knowledge. Priorities and interests of modern society: Proceedings of the youth of Scient. conference; TPU. - Tomsk: Because of "SPB Grafics" LLC, 2012.S. 162-165
  2. Nikulina I.E. Modern conceptual models of national economic development / Materials of the 3rd All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation: Investment and real estate as the material basis of modernization and innovative development of the economy, Tomsk, Trace Publisher, 2013 S. 41-52
  3. Nikulina I.E. Control Technology of cross - cultural programs / Collection of scientific works of the International Scientific Conference "Information Technologies in science, management, social and Medicine" Part 2 April 29 - May 2, 2014. S.377-379 Merimbula RT
  4. Nikulina I.E. Cognitive management theory and practice of the organization / Collection of scientific articles on the results of the international scientific-practical conference. SPB 2014 C-100-105 Khomenko I.V.

And others


Number of peer-reviewed monographs:


  1. The financial strategy for promoting environmental projects - "Ecology, economy, energy: methodological approaches to the construction of social and cultural systems" / Ed. I.V.Melik-Gaykazyan, V.F.Tarasenko, Tomsk: TPU 1997 g.13,6 pp 0.5 pl
  2. Advertisement of Commercial Banks - "Economics of Advertising» / Ed. IV Melik-Gaykazyan Tomsk Univ. TPU 1999 13 pp 0.6 pp
  3. Determination of the budget and evaluation of the effectiveness of advertising - "Economics of Advertising» / Ed. IV Melik-Gaykazyan Tomsk Univ. TPU 1999 13 pp 0.8 pp
  4. Bank management theory and practice / Tomsk Univ. TPU 2000 g.12 pp
  5. Program-oriented management of the banking system at the regional level / Tomsk Univ .: Deltaplan, 2003. 12.5 pl
  6. The credit process: focus on the regional economy / Nikulina I.E. Trubitsyna O.S. - Tomsk: Publishing house. Deltaplan 2004 g.11 pp 7.8 pp,
  7. Monitoring and evaluation in a program-oriented management of regional development / Nikulina I.E., Khomenko I.V. Mozgolin B.S. Vizgalov D.V. - Tomsk: Publishing house. Deltaplan 2004 20.3 pp 12 pp
  8. Status and trends of development of the fuel and energy complex of the Tomsk Region / Nikulina I.E., Surzhikova O.A., Klimova G.N. "Economics and Management: Problems and Prospects", Saint - Petersburg, Ed. Polytechnic University, in 2005 30.3 pp 1.6 pp
  9. Corporate Governance / Nikulina I.E., M.G., Mogilnitsky S.B., Petrovskaya T.S., Y.P. Pokholkov, Pushnikh V.A. Safyannikov I.A., M.A. Soloviev, A.I. Chuchalin Tomsk: Publishing house. TPU, 2008. - 416 p. (34951819)
  10. Nikulina I.E. Financial institution management: problems of formation and development / Tomsk Univ. TPU 2009 18.55
  11. Fiscal Federalism. Problems and Perspectives. Bannova K.A., Belozerov S.A. Bocharov O.F., S.S. Bulls, Valigura V.A., Nikulina I.E. and others. The collective monograph for undergraduates enrolled in the program destinations "Finance and Credit" / Moscow, 2015. Ser. Magister, 2015
  12. The well-being of man: the collective monograph / ed. G.A. Barysheva, Authors: Egorova M.S., E.A. Anikin, Ivankina L.I., Nikulina I.E. and others. Tomsk Polytechnic university. - Tomsk: "Cursive" Publishing House, 2014.- 166 p. 10.5 / 0.85 pp


The number of references to the publication in RISC - 66


The total number of citations - 78


Hirsch index of RISC (for the entire period of scientific activity) - 5


Identification numbers in the RISC system, Scopus, WoS:

AuthorID (author identification number in the RISC system): 396578 http://elibrary.ru on site