Никулина Ирина Евгеньевна
Доктор экономических наук

Отделение управления бизнесом и инновациями, Профессор

Вн. телефон: 1245
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06 октября 2024 / Sunday / Неделя четная
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Consultations for groups 3AM01 and 3AM11 with Professor Nikulina I.E. take place on a weekly basis as follows:

The head of the group finds out from the group on what day and what time the students can and want to go to ZOOM for a consultation, after which they inform I.E. Nikulina by mail.

Next, I am sending all students the access code and consultation time on ZOOM.


I'm glad to welcome you to their personal page !

& nbsp;

In 1982, she graduated from the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute "Technology of mechanical engineering, machine tools and instruments", with specialization "Management and organization of production».
She worked as an engineer, an assistant at the Department of Industrial Economics and Organization of TPI (1982 - 1986 gg ).

in 1986 he entered graduate school at the department of management Leningrad Engineering-Economic Institute. She defended her Ph.D. thesis in 1989.

Since 1990 - senior lecturer, Associate Professor, and from 2000 to 2015 - Head of the Department of management Tomsk Polytechnic University.

In 2004, she defended her doctoral thesis on the topic:" Backbone processes in the regional banking activities: Analysis and Management. "
In the period from August 2005 to February 2008 he has been Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and the Vice-Rector for Economic Development . & Nbsp; Tomsk Polytechnic University

From 2005 to 2012 & nbsp; was & nbsp; deputy & nbsp; Legislative & nbsp; Tomsk Oblast Duma university constituency

Main place of work: National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University & nbsp;
Head of the & nbsp; Department of Management, Doctor of Economics, professor.
Corresponding Member of the Academy of Natural Sciences; & nbsp; Corresponding member of the Siberian Academy of Sciences . Higher School

Chairman of the SJC in the Tomsk State University of control systems and electronics (TUSUR), & nbsp; in the Siberian State Medical University (SibSMU) and Tomsk State University (TSU) & nbsp; by economic specialties.
A member of the dissertation council on thesis for the scientific the degree of doctor and candidate at the Tomsk State University of Science.
Regularly participates in the work of dissertation councils as . Official opponent and the reviewer

Prepared & nbsp; more than 10 Candidates of Sciences .

awarded jubilee medal "400 years of the city of Tomsk"; the badge "Honorary Worker Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation »;
Certificate of Merit of the State Duma of Tomsk oblast (for outstanding contribution to development of Tomsk Polytechnic University);
Certificate of Merit of the State Duma of Tomsk oblast (for his great personal contribution to the development of the Tomsk scientific and educational complex, active participation in legislative activities of the regional parliament);
Honorary Diploma of the Administration of the Tomsk region (for long-term . Productive work and significant contribution to the development of science and higher education)

& nbsp;