Коровкин Михаил Владимирович
Доктор физико-математических наук

Отделение нефтегазового дела, Профессор

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M.V. Korovkin over the years has developed training courses on various subjects: Physics of rocks; Physical methods of research in geology; Crystallography; General Electrical Engineering (geologists); Physical fundamentals of electronics.
M.V. Korovkin currently conducts training sessions on the course Physics of oil and gas reservoir

  • Physics of oil and gas reservoir rocks,
  • Physical methods for the study of minerals and rocks.

Modern petroleum engineer engaged in the rational development of oil and gas fields, must be familiar with the geological structure of the deposit, its physical characteristics. Physics of the reservoir - the science that studies the physical properties of the rocks of oil and gas reservoirs, turns the following sections:
  • filtration - capacitive properties of rocks;
  • mineral composition of rocks;
  • properties of reservoir fluids;
  • gas and gas condensate mixtures;
  • methods of analysis;
  • the physical basis of the increase of oil and gas recovery reservoir.

Physical methods for the study of minerals and rocks include X-ray diffraction; electrical conductivity; luminescence; infrared spectroscopy; electron microscopy; x-ray fluorescence analysis; radiation, optical, spectral methods, and other.