Recent scientific projects D.Sc. (Doctor of Sciences) thesis supervised: | 2008 | Sergey V. Uchaykin, "Cryogenic detectors of particles and molecules on the basis of superconductive thermometers and their applications in experimental physics and instrumentation", Kotel'nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow | 2009 | Valeriy L. Kim, "Methods and tools for accuracy increase of inductive voltage dividers", TPU, Tomsk | 2012 | Valeriy N. Borikov, "Methods and tools for electric parameters measurement of coating process under pulse power action in solutions", TPU, Tomsk | 2014 | Yury K. Rybin, "Arbitrary waveform analog measuring generators", National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute", Moscow | Ph.D. (Candidate of Sciences) thesis supervised: | 2002 | Marina M. Chukhlantseva, "Metrological assurance of instruments for computer-aided inversion voltammetry chemical analysis", TPU, Tomsk | 2009 | Natalya M. Natalinova, "Resistive transducers for computer systems measuring current waveforms to be a part of technological installations", TPU, Tomsk | 2011 | Stanislav V. Silushkin, "Digital colorimetric analyzer for determination of substances content on the basis of trans-parent polymeric sensors", TPU, Tomsk | 2012 | Galina V. Zlygosteva, "Procedures for measurement software testing", TPU, Tomsk | 2012 | Evgeniy V. Tarakanov, "Multisensor data fusion in wireless sensor networks", TPU, Tomsk | 2014 | Elena V. Bedareva, "Improvement of dynamic behavior of AC coaxial shunts", TPU, Tomsk | 2015 | Irina A. Marinushkina, "Electrical quantities comparison data processing by means of preference aggregation", TPU, Tomsk | 2016 | Vitaliya E. Baranova, "Low magnetic field measurement on the base of fluxgate", TPU, Tomsk |