Мойзес Ольга Ефимовна
Кандидат технических наук

Отделение химической инженерии, Доцент

Тел.: 8 (3822) 70-56-66
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10 марта 2025 / Monday / Неделя четная
Time tableРасписание
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  1. Work experience: 34 years
  2. 1987 – PhD thesis defended on the theme «Modelling of the hydrogenation of carbon monoxide on iron catalysts»
  3. • 1994 – Academic rank of associate professor
  4. Research interests:Mathematical modeling of chemical processes • Modelling of processes of trade preparation of oil and gas
  5. Awards • Diploma of the interregional exhibition-Congress «Oil and gas-2002», Project: «Modeling system preparation and industrial processing of oil and gas» • Diploma of the interregional exhibition-Congress «Oil and gas-2004», Project: « Computer system modeling technologies»
  6. Published: more than 180 research papers, including 30 articles in indexed journals, 10 textbooks and 6 certificates of official registration of the computer software.
  7. Currently, research is carried out on the mathematical modeling of processes of trade preparation of oil and gas. I am the head of the final qualifying works of bachelors and masters, as well as the head of practice and research work of students.
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