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20 октября 2024 / Sunday / Неделя четная
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Bogolyubova Maria Nikitichna, associate professor, candidate техн.наук, TAMP chair, Institute of cybernetics. I graduated from faculty of automatic equipment and computer facilities of Tomsk polytechnical institute in 1965 in the specialty & quot; Automatic equipment and телемеханика". After the termination of TPI I worked in Irkutsk polytechnical institute as the senior teacher of chair & quot; Computing техника" till 1971.

Professional experience:
• 1971-1984 senior lecturer of the department «Technology of machine building, cutting and cutting tools» TPI.
• 1984-1989 senior lecturer of the department «Automation and Robotics in Mechanical Engineering» TPI.
• Candidate of Technical Sciences in 1988.
• 1990-2004 Associate Professor of the Department «Computerization of Mechanical Engineering» TPU.
• Since 2005 - Associate Professor of the Department «Technology of Automated Machine Building Production» MSF.
• Since 2011- Associate Professor of the Department «Technologies of Automated Mechanical Engineering» IC.
• Since 2016 - Associate Professor of the Department «Technology of mechanical engineering and industrial robotics» IC.