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06 февраля 2025 / Thursday
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Научные интересы изначально были связаны с исследованием сценариев экономического поведения и их моделирования. тThe results of these studies were summarized in the monograph: Methodology of modelling the nonlinear dynamics of complex systems. – Moscow.: MAIK-FIZMATLIT, 2001. – 273 p.; ((co-authors: I.V. Melik-Gaykazyan and V.F. Tarasenko). Later, a semiotic component of management processes in the field of new technologies has become the object of modelling which was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research. РThe results of these studies were summarized in the monograph: Attractive management: methodological principles of symbolism goal managing. – Tomsk: Tomsk State Pedagogical University Publishing House, 2012. – 160 p. ((co-author: I.V. Melik-Gaykazyan.
Scientific work in the framework of the RFBR projects: 2004-2006: № 04-06-80192, «Methodology of modelling the nonlinear dynamics of education systems», participant; 2007-2010: №07-06-00109, «Information society technologies: diagnostics methodology», participant; 2010-2012: №10-06-00313, «Attractive management: methodological principles of complex system dynamics managing», head of the project. 2014 – present: №14-06-00440 «Development of application ways of nonlinear dynamics research methods for the self-organisation system attractor detection», participant.