POGODAVTOMSKE.RU - сайт о погоде в г. Томске

Карнаухова Анна Алексеевна
Кандидат физико-математических наук

Отделение материаловедения, Доцент

Тел.: 8 (3822) 60-62-34
Вн. телефон: 2673
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31 января 2025 / Friday / Неделя четная
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Professional Training in English

Basics of Luminescence

Course for 1st year master students

Course Description

The course will focus on the main laws and modern state of the luminescence theory, pequliarities of luminescence under various sources of excitation, basics of light-and-matter interaction, luminescent materials, experimental optics methods.

Upon complition of the course students will be able:

  • to demonstrate an understanding of basic terms and concepts of luminescence;
  • to explain physical phenomena using professional terminology describe and analyse spectra and kinetic curves of luminescence in terms of energy transitions;
  • to search, analise, and generalise technical and scientific information, as well as to present the results of their study in English.

High-power Gas Lasers

32 hours course for 1st year master students

Course Description

The aim of the course is to provide an introduction to fundamental laws of light-matter interactions, to give basic knowledge of high-power lasers operation principles, physical processes in laser active media, and methods of getting high-power laser pulses of high quality.

Upon complition of the course students will be able:

  • to demonstrate an understanding of basic principles of laser operation;
  • to explain physical phenomena using professional terminology;
  • to search, analise, and generalise technical and scientific information, as well as to present the results of their study in English.

Optical Measurements

64 hours course for 3rd year bachelor students in Optical Engineering

Course Description

The aim of the course is to provide an introduction to fundamental laws of light-matter interactions, to give basic knowledge of high-power lasers operation principles, physical processes in laser active media, and methods of getting high-power laser pulses of high quality.

Upon completion of the course students will be able:

  • to demonstrate an understanding of basic principles of laser operation;
  • to illustrate the process of laser radiation formation in different resonators;
  • to explain physical phenomena using professional terminology;
  • to search, analise, and generalise technical and scientific information, as well as to present the results of their study in English.

Light sources & detectors

80 hours course for 3rd year bachelor students in Optical Engineering

The course will focus on industrial and technological aspects of optical and laser equipment operation, materials for lighting engineering, basics of optical and laser equipment design.

Upon completion of the course students will be able:

  • to be up-to-date with main trends of lighting and laser technology;
  • to explain operating principles of common light sources & detectors;
  • to carry out optical measurements using modern equipment;
  • to choose appropriate technical aid and to process the measurement results.