Мазурина Ольга Анатольевна
Кандидат философских наук

Отдел развития международного сотрудничества, Начальник отдела
Ректорат, Советник ректора по внешним связям

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19 октября 2024 / Saturday / Неделя нечетная
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Head of the Division of International Affairs of Tomsk Polytechnic University.

Olga A. Mazurina graduated from Tomsk Polytechnic Institute with a degree in “Electrical Insulation and Cable Techniques”; PhD in Social Philosophy.

Has more than 20-year experience in international соoperation and international programs.

Cо-executor of the following international Projects and Grants:

- USIA Grant № IA-PYJL-G5190278 "Freedom Support Act";

- USIA Grant № IA-PYPS-G6190261 "Secondary School Initiative for School Linkages";

- USIA Grant № IA-PSCS-G3190384 "Training Program with the Newly Independent States";

- USIA Academic Exchange Grant;

- USIA Grant on Business and Banking;

- ENRIN "A Proposal to ENhance Cooperation of European and Russian Industry by Regional Information Nodes for IT-RTD in Russia" (FP4-Esprit Project No. 29591);

- “Europractice” Member Number A47590 - «Europractice» IST-FP5;

- FP6-IST TRISTAN-EAST “Training of IST multipliers and Awareness Nurturing in the 3rd countries of EAST and South East Europe (NIS)"; Coordinator of RUSERA “Supporting the Russian participation in EU-RTD Programmes” (FP6-INCO-CT-2004-502262);

- RUSERA-EXE “Expanding ERA over Russia” (FP6-INCO-043701) - coordinator;

- SITE "Siberia, IT and Europe" (IST-FP6-004123) - Project Manager;

- ACCESSRU “Strengthening EU-Russian Sciences and Technology cooperation and EU access to Russian National Funding Programmes” (FP7-INCO-244493);

- BILAT-RUS-Advanced “Advancement of the bilateral Partnership in scientific Research and Innovation with the Russian Federation” (FP7-INCO-311836)

and others.

Professional training and working experience in EU countries (UK, Austria, Cyprus, Germany, France and others.)