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27 сентября 2024 / Friday / Неделя четная
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  • laboratory classes in «Theoretical basis of fuel chemical technology and carbon materials»,
  • direction of graduation works of Chemical Engineering of Fuel and Chemical Cybernetic Department students.

The discipline is a special discipline and forms the theoretical basis of specialty 250400 "Chemical technology of natural energy sources and carbon materials".
The material mastered:
  • the basic principles of the technological processes of fossil fuels and natural materials;
  • the ability to predict the nature, characteristics and field of application of petroleum refinery products.

Students need to form a skill to analyze literature data and observations, to think creatively and independently, to carry out at least small research projects. Research work of students is included in the educational process. It is carried out during the study time and is obligatory for all students.

Students need to learn how to choose the direction of research, carry out theoretical and experimental research, compile and evaluate research results.
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