Марков Николай Григорьевич
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03 февраля 2025 / Monday / Неделя нечетная
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The junior research assistant of the Siberian physicotechnical institute of TSU (1973-1976), the graduate student of TSU (1976-1978), the research associate of Institute of geology and geophysics of Academy of Sciences in the USSR (1978-1983), the deputy director for scientific work of Special design office of the seismic software of the geology Ministry in the USSR (1983-1985), the associate professor of design automation of Automatic equipment and computer facilities department of Tomsk polytechnic institute (nowadays university) (1985-1992), the head of the computing geophysical systems laboratory of the Cybernetic center at the Tomsk Polytechnical University (TPU) (1992-1996), professor of automation of design department (1996-1997), head of the computer facilities department of Automatic equipment and computer facilities faculty at TPU (since 1997 - 2016). Since November, 2016 to the present N Markov is the professor of information systems and technologies department of Institute of cybernetics.

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