Марков Николай Григорьевич
Доктор технических наук

Отделение информационных технологий, Профессор

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Markov N. G. began educational activity in TPI (TPU) since 1983 and continue it nowadays.

During this time he mastered and lectured to students 19 academic courses, the main among them:

  • "Programming and the computer work"
  • "Informatics"
  • "Information support of CAD systems"
  • "Databases"
  • "Knowledge bases"
  • "Geoinformatics"
  • "Modern problems of informatics and computer facilities"
  • "Methods and means of digital processing of signals"
  • "The mathematical description of design objects"
  • "Knowledge bases and expert systems"
  • "Modern problems of information systems and technologies"
  • "Expert systems"
    • N Markov performs scientific supervision of candidates for a master's degree in the courses 09.04.01 "Informatics and computer facilities" and 09.04.02 "Information systems and technologies".

      He directs training of graduate students for scientific specialty:

      • 05.13.11 Mathematical and software of computers, complexes, and computer networks

      More than 20 methodical instructions to laboratory work performance on a number of education courses and a passing of industrial practice are written by N Markov Five manuals, including one with a signature stamp of higher education institutions on University polytechnic education are published. The textbook with a signature stamp of higher education institutions on university polytechnic education is published.

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