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01 февраля 2025 / Saturday / Неделя четная
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Educational activities

Teaching courses

  1. Jurisprudence


Annotation of the course Jurisprudence "Law"

Annotation of the course "Law"

The discipline "Law" refers to the block of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines and is a component of a variable of cycle items. The discipline "Law" is aimed at creating in students a sufficient level of legal culture, allows to work effectively in the field of civil and professional activities. The development of the subject "Law" shall promote the training of graduates for all professional activities.

In the process of learning the discipline in students there should be formed General cultural and professional competence, such as possession of culture of thinking, ability for generalization, analysis, information perception, goal setting and choice of ways of its achievement. Willingness to cooperate with colleagues, to work in a team. Ability to work with information in global computer networks. The ability to perform professional activities on the basis of a developed legal consciousness, legal thinking and legal culture. The ability to comply with the law subjects of law. The ability to respect the honour and dignity of the individual, to respect and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.

In addition: the capacity to make free and responsible behavior; the ability to analyze scientifically socially significant problems and processes, willingness to use in practice methods of sociology in various types of professional and social activities; ability and willingness to understand the role of art, to strive for aesthetic development and self-improvement, respect and care for historical heritage and cultural traditions, tolerant to perceive social and cultural differences, to understand the diversity of cultures and civilizations in their interaction; the ability to understand the nature and significance of information in the development of modern information society, awareness of the dangers and threats arising in this process, to comply with the basic requirements of information security, including protection of state secrets.