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27 сентября 2024 / Friday / Неделя четная
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Born in 1991 in the city of Novosibirsk. Education: 2008-2013 student of Tyumen State University, Department of Mechanics of multiphase systems. 2013-2016 Postgraduate Student, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Department of Technical Physics. 2017 defense of the thesis for the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in the specialty 01.04.14 "Thermal Physics and Theoretical Heat Engineering". Seniority: 03.2013 - 08.2013 - technician of the research laboratory of lithological and petrophysical modeling, research department of lithology, research and production complex for petrophysical research, Tyumen branch “SurgutNIPIneft”, OJSC “Surgutneftegas”; 09.2016 - 12.2016 - Engineer of the Department of Technical Physics of the Physicotechnical Institute; 07.2017 - 12.2017 a technician of the Engineering Center (0.5 st.); 09.2017 - 12.2017 Assistant of the Department of Technical Physics of the Physicotechnical Institute (0.5 st.); 04.2018 - presently Assistant Division of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle of the School of Nuclear Engineering.
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