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1. Nguyen Van Luyen, Savichev O.G, Quach Duc Tin. "Characteristics of the distribution and movement of elements in natural water district Chodon, Bakkan Province, Vietnam". Ho Chi Minh City University of Pedagogy» - № 9, 2015
2. Nguyen Van Luyen, Quach Duc Tin, Nguyen Tien Dung. "Studying how to use remote sensing - GIS - geology in the study to assess the potency of granite mined in the district of Krong Bong- Lak in order to use them as liners". Journal Mining № 3, 2013
3. Quach Duc Tin, Nguyen Van Luyen, Doan Thi Ngoc Huyen. "Contamination of chemicals used in crop protection, that affect the health of the population in the county Hyongshon, Ha Tinh province". Geology Journal number 324, 2011 year
4. Nguyen Van Luyen, Quach Duc Tin. "Estimation of zoning of contamination in the aquatic environment in the county Ngisuan, Ha Tinh province". Geology Journal number 320, 2010 year
5. Do Thi Loi; Quach Duc Tin, Nguyen Van Luyen. "Natural resources "hot mineral water" in the area Shonkim (Ha Tinh). Possibility of production, their use in the socio-economic order". Geology Journal number 317-318, 2010 year
6. Mai Trong Nhuan, Nguyen Van Luyen, Nguyen Thi Minh Ngoc, Quach Duc Tinh. "Generalized risk assessment of geological complications in Cam Ranh Bay", Geology Journal number 312 2009 year.
7. Doan Thi Ngoc Huyen; Quach Duc Tin, Nguyen Van Luyen. "Fluor element geochemistry and its role for public health in Vietnam". Geology Journal number 313, 2009 year.
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