Лесина Юлия Александровна
Кандидат химических наук

Научно-образовательный центр Н.М.Кижнера, Доцент

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Course Description

Discipline/Course: Equipment of biotechnological plants

The Basic Educational Program specialty: Biotechnology

The department of biotechnology and organic chemistry

Instructor: Yulia A. Lesina, PhD

Contact details: +7 3822 563-861, email:

Learning Outcomes:

·         achievements of maximum efficiency of multiassortment pharmaceutical productions;

·         organization of the flexible automated production systems in pharmaceutical industry;

·         creation of resource-saving safe technologies.

Theoretical skills: development of the optimum individual, combined and flexible chemical and pharmaceutical productions; ensuring the production and ecological safety of technologies.

Practical skills: calculated and technological projection of pharmaceutical production.

Course Outline:

Section 1. Classification of technological schemes, the flexible automated production systems in pharmaceutical technology.

Section 2. Development of the common structure of production scheme.

Section 3. Principles of combination and criteria of optimization of technological processes.

Section 4. Technological and technical efficiency factors of process.

Section 5. Main methods of the systems analysis, criteria for evaluation of alternatives.

Section 6. The modern equipment for flexible biotechnological systems.

Section 7. Philosophy of ecological projection.

Practice 1. Modes of functioning of biotechnological systems of multiassortment productions.

Practice 2. Synthesis of optimum individual biotechnological systems.

Practice 3. Calculations of the combined and flexible biotechnological systems

Practice 4. Power and thermochemical analysis.

Practice 5. Ecological assessment of productions.

Practice 6. The practical case for the analysis of a concrete situation.

Lab 1. Development of chemical and technological schemes of production, analysis of compatibility/

Lab 2. Raw materials calculation.

Lab 3, 4. Theoretical bases of chemical and physical methods of production.

Lab 5, 6. Mass balances of physical and chemical processes calculation (chemical reaction).

Lab 7, 8. Development of the optimum combined scheme of production

Lab 9,10. Equipment cflculation.

Lab 11. Heat balance calculation.

Lab 12. Power calculation.

Course Delivery: one semester, 18 weeks

Final Assessment: pass/fail exam

Course Developer: Yulia A. Lesina, PhD

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