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  • 2013Grant of RFBR "Research of problems of contact interaction of autochthonous languages and cultures of Western Siberia in the conditions of linguistic assimilation with the use of electronic multimedia database on endangered languages of Siberia", project No. 11-06-00371, 2013.
  • 2007-2008the Grant of the RFBR "Creation of computer database on languages of the peoples of the Ob and Yenisei basins", project No. 07-06-00227 (a), 2007-2008.

  • Russian Government
  • 2016-2019the Grant of the Government of the Russian Federation for state support of scientific research carried out under the supervision of leading scientists at Russian universities and scientific organizations "Linguistic and ethno-cultural diversity of southern Siberia in the synchrony and diachrony: the interaction of languages and cultures", project No. 2016-220-05-150, 2016-2019.

  • limitation:
  • 2015-2017the Grant of RHSF "a Typology of categories of posessively on the material of the languages of the Ob-Yenisei area", project No. 15-04-00406а, 2015-2017.
  • 2015-2017the Grant RHF "ethno-cultural specificity of images of time and space in the linguistic consciousness of representatives of Selkup, Khanty, Chulym-Turkic and Russian ethnic groups in the conditions of contact interaction", project No. 15-34-01226а2, 2015-2017.
  • 2010the Grant RHF "field researches in Western Siberia: collection of folklore and household texts", project No. 10-04-64760е/T, 2010.
  • 2009the Grant RHF "ethno-linguistic expedition to places inhabited by indigenous peoples of the Western Siberian linguistic area", project No. 09-04-64760 e/T, 2009.
  • 2008-2009the Grant RHF "New aspects in the study of the works of W. Steinitz: Ethnography and folklore of the Khants" (head of project N. V. Lukin, project №08-01-00139а, 2008-2009.
  • 2008the Grant RHF "international scientific conference "XXV Dolinovka" read", project No. 08-04-64482г/T, 2008.
  • 2007-2008the Grant of RGNF "the Typology of the means of expression of spatial-temporal relations of the Ob-Yenisei language area (the Khanty, Chulym, the ket, Selkup, Enets languages), project no. 07-04-64409а/T, 2007-2008. Order no 1021лс/UD dated 23.11.2007, №1022лс/UD dated 23.11.2007.

  • a ELDP:
  • 2016-2019ELDP Grant "Comprehensive documentation and archiving of Teleut, Eushta-Chat, and Melets Chulym: three areally adjacent critically endangered Turkic languages of Siberia" project MDP0330, 2016-2019.
  • 2007the Grant Program documentation of endangered languages (ELDP), "Documentation of the endangered Vasyugan Khanty language", project No. ELDP FTG 0135, 2007-2008. order no 1075лс/UD dated 27.11.2007.

  • science
  • 2010-2014the Grant of the Federal Agency for science and innovations "Problems of contact interaction of autochthonous languages and cultures of Western Siberia in the conditions of language assimilation", № 1.1.10 research, 2010-2014.
  • 2005-2009the Grant of the Federal Agency for science and innovation "Study of the typological characteristics of the languages and cultures of indigenous peoples of Siberia", № NIR 1.1.05, 2005-2009, contractor.

  • Ministry of science
  • 2012"the Intertextuality of texts of different functional styles in the comparative aspect of translation" with the financial support of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation under the Federal target program "scientific and Scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia" for 2009-2013, agreement № 14.B37.21.0094, 2012.
  • 2005-2009the Grant of the Federal Agency for education "Systematization and computerization of the materials of field research on the languages of indigenous peoples of Siberia", № NIR 3.3 52816, 2005-2009, contractor. Order No. 1245 l/s from 23.09.2005.
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