06 октября 2024 / Sunday / Неделя четная
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Scientific interests:

  • Methods of teaching foreign languages
  • Teaching adults
  • Professional development
  • Publications: Research and Tutorial Articles

  • Positioning of key success factors of manometers on the Russian market// Фундаментальные исследования : научный журнал. — 2016. — № 6, ч. 1. — [С. 184-189].
  • Differentiated Approach to Learning in Higher Education/Volume 166, Pages 287-291. January 2015
  • Teaching English for professional purposes to the students of polytechnic university: ideas, technologies/ Materials of International research- practice Conference. "Language education in the period of transition to new state standards:aims,contents, technologies." Minsk, MSLU, December 2009

  • Professional development of the University teacher/ Materials of research- practice Conference. “Language and culture. Young researchers’ viewpoint” April 2009
  • About the professional competence development of a University teacher(TPU)/Materials of research- practice Conference."Applied Linguistics: ideas, concepts, projects" Tomsk. IIE&LC.2009

  • Andragogical approach in teaching graduates of a polytechnic University professional communication in a foreign language. / Сборник Культурологические и лингвистические традиции образования: Symposium. Cultural and linguistic traditions of education: Materials of III International research- practice Conference. Tomsk: TPU publishing house, 2004.
  • Usage of project technologies in project work./ Communicative aspects of the language and culture: Materials of IV regional research- practice Conference of Institute of Engineering Pedagogic and Humanitarian Gymnasium TPU. Tomsk: TPU publishing house, May 2004.
  • Development of a student’s autonomy and creativity by using project technologies in teaching foreign languages. / Symposium. Language in multicultural medium: theoretical and practical aspects. Tomsk: TPU publishing house, 2002. p. 215-225.
  • Learner- oriented approach in teaching English for specific purposes. / Symposium. Cultural and linguistic traditions of education: Materials of II International research- practice Conference. Tomsk: TPU publishing house, 2002, p. 168-173.
  • Project method in teaching graduate students a foreign language/ symposium. Language in multicultural medium: theoretical and practical aspects. Materials of I International scientific conference. ”Teaching a foreign language in multicultural medium”. Tomsk: TPU 28.05.01