01 сентября 2024 / Sunday
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Lemeshko Elena Yurievna

Graduated from Tomsk State Pedagogical University.

Senior Lecturer

Teaching disciplines

For teachers/ specialists in non-linguistic spheres:

  • "Language for professional purposes",
  • "Language of Professional Communication",
  • "FCE Training"(Writing),
  • "English for Engineers",
  • "English language for educational purposes"

  • "Practical classes of planning an educational process in English language",
  • "ESP",

  • "Modern approaches to the teaching of English for specific purposes"

  • for the upgrading the level of professional methodological competence of University instructors of English language for Specific Purposes.

    Aim: to advance the level of teacher’s professional communicative competence in different fields of science and technology.

    Scientific interests:

    • Methods of teaching foreign languages
    • Teaching adults
    • Professional development