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"Sources and heat supply systems of industrial enterprises"

The discipline on the basis of theoretical calculations and solve engineering problems disclosed physical and technical fundamentals of heat supply. The material is presented in accordance with the curriculum and as close as possible to the sequence of execution of projects on the subject "Sources and heat supply systems of industrial enterprises". In addition to theoretical material, are given numerical calculation examples.

Printed scientific and methodical work

  1. Zakharova L.G., Lyalikov B.A. Sources and heating system. All-Siberian Readings on Mathematics and Mechanics. Toolkit. Publication TPU, Tomsk, 1999.
  2. Sources and heating system enterprises. Part I. Textbook. TPU, Edition 2005.
  3. Sources and heating system enterprises. Part II. Textbook. TPU, Edition 2008.


Senior Lecturer in the discipline:

"Fundamentals of Engineering Design"

In the discipline of theoretical and practical bases and methods of design elements of heat supply systems, and heat and mass transfer equipment industry. The material is presented in accordance with the curriculum and as close as possible to the solution of engineering problems raised in course design on the subject "Fundamentals of engineering design of heat and power systems businesses."

Printed scientific and methodical work

  1. Lyalikov B.A. Fundamentals of design and computer-aided design of the distillation unit with the use of computers. Methodical instructions. TPU Edition, 1996.
  2. Lyalikov B.A. Fundamentals of engineering design elements heat and power systems. Part I. Textbook. TPU Edition 2005.
  3. Lyalikov B.A. Fundamentals of engineering design elements heat and power systems. The work program, guidelines and control tasks. TPU Edition 2006.