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  • High Voltage Technology

Purpose: . Forming of bases of knowledge of physical laws of breakdown of gases, liquids and solid dielectrics in case of using of a high voltage of various form and duration, bases of the device and designing of high-voltage devices, measurement bases of high tension and bases of origin and restriction of overvoltage in high-voltage networks and installations.

Content: Types of electric fields. An electric discharge in gases. Avalanche and streamer category. Types of liquid dielectrics. mechanisms of development of categories in liquids. The solid dielectrics used in high-voltage equipment. Modern ideas of the breakdown mechanism in solid bodies. device of the high-voltage equipment. High voltage test equipment. Measurements on a high voltage. Types of overvoltage. Means and ways of restriction of overvoltage in electric networks.

  • Высоковольтные испытательные установки и измерения

Purpose: Formation of bases of knowledge of testing methods of the high-voltage equipment, methods of receiving an alternating, constant and surge high overvoltage, methods of measurement of different types high voltage.

Content: Methods and devices for receiving and regulation of high variable commercial frequency voltages. Methods and devices of obtaining high tension of a rectified current. Methods and devices of obtaining high surge voltages. Methods and devices for receiving switching pulses of tension. Methods and devices for test of switches for the disconnecting ability. Measurement of high tension and big pulse currents.

  • Power equipment of a high voltage and its reliability.
  • Purpose: Formation of bases of knowledge of the device and principles of work of the high-voltage power equipment, service conditions of the high-voltage equipment, his reliability and calculation of probabilistic characteristics of reliability.

    Content: Classification, appointment, scopes of different types of the equipment of a high voltage. Tendencies in the field of development of new designs of the high-voltage equipment. Basic principles of development and production of electric equipment of a high voltage. Sources of active and jet power. Converting equipment. Switching equipment. Equipment of a special purpose. Electrotechnological installations of a high voltage. Main indicators of reliability of the electrotechnical equipment. Statistical processing of results of measurements and supervision.