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11 июля 2024 / Thursday / Неделя четная
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Date of Birth: 20 April 1977.

Place of Birth: Tomsk.

Education: Higher.

In 2001 - graduated from Tomsk State University, the historical faculty; postgraduate study of Tomsk State Pedagogical University.

Employment history: After graduating from the University, Andrey S. Latyshev has been employed as a teacher, business-trainer, and enterprise manager.

2007 - 2014 – a leading engineer of Human resources management of JSC «TomskNIPIneft»

2014 - present – a Vice-Rector for Human Resources of Tomsk Polytechnic University

Scientific achievements

2008–2012 – publications and reports at "International HR Forum" of Oil and Gas Business Institute

2012 - Russian Oil & Gas Technical Conference SPE, "Technologies and efficient production - ways to achieve results”

2011 - 2012 – report at the International conferences «Project optimization and improving the efficiency of Fuel-and-Energy companies: knowledge management and automation».

2011-2013 – publications in specialized journals: «Handbook of Personnel Management» and «Engineering Education» and other publications in the conference proceedings.

2013 – present – conducting a scientific research on Knowledge management of enterprises of research and engineering complex.

2009 - Attended courses of professional retraining at Tomsk Polytechnic University in " Economics and management at enterprises of oil and gas industry ."

2013 - The initiator of target-oriented Master’s programme on the basis of Tomsk Polytechnic University, named as «Design of oil and gas deposits facilities».