2006 - professional development programme TSU "Modern methods of engineering analysis. Fundamentals of the finite element method".
2008 - professional development, Herzen state pedagogical University. Herzen Saint-Petersburg under the program "Participation of Russian universities in the network project "Innovations in education".
2009 - training program "Organization of tutor activities in research University".
2010-2011 - professional development program FPC of Tomsk Polytechnic University on the program "English language (for teachers of non-linguistic specialties).
2014 - professional development program "creating a portfolio of educational technology a teacher of a technical College".
2014 – professional development program "Portal TPU. Creation of personal pages and websites of the units."
2014 – professional development program "Development of the electronic course on discipline in the LMS MOODLE tools and services of e-learning".
2015 – professional development program "Implementing methods of active learning in the electronic environment and the use of open educational resources in e-learning".
2015 –internship in the company "Initiative Games" in "Gaming technology in e-learning gaming platform for the online Lyceum TPU "Agents of the Future."
Has C1 level TPU certificate.
III level qualification specialist III level in vibrodiagnostic method of nondestructive testing.