Scientific interests Philosophy of science and technology, technical aesthetics, history and theory of art, theory and methodology of industrial design, ethnic technologies in design, methodology of visual perception. Research work of students Modern technologies for art materials processing; Design of industrial expositions; Quality assessment methods of industrial products’ design; Modern technology in jewelry design. Key findings - Science-based methods for assessing the quality of the design of industrial products based on the study of visual perception processes, and considering psychological, physiological, aesthetic and ergonomic factors; - Methods for designing jewelry considering technological specificity of the artistic materials’ treatment; - Methods for shaping the design of industrial products based on the principles of creating a visually comfortable environment; - Scientific component of design engineering. Monographs Kukhta M.S., Seryakov V.A., Sokolov A.P. Theory and practice of design of exhibitions and displays. Monograph - Tomsk: Publishing house of Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2012 - 168 p. Zakharov A.I., Kukhta M.S. The shape of ceramic products: philosophy, design, technology. – Tomsk: STT, 2015. – 224 p. Patents Sokolov A.P., Denisova M.V., Kukhta M.S. Mannequin № 135882 RF Sokolov A.P., Chernov D.S., Kukhta M.S. Spherical hinge of mannequin. № 121127 RF Sokolov A.P., Kukhta M.S. Pliers for spot electrocontact welding. № 123360 RF Supervisor of aspirants (postgraduates) Course title: Art History (50.06.01), section “Industrial art and design”. The main direction of researches in postgraduate are the processes of artistic design, construction; analysis methods of shaping and style formation; computer engineering; methods for designing industrial products based on technological, material, ergonomic, sociological, psychological, biological, chemical and physical factors. Under the direction of M.S. Kukhta was performed two PhD thesis on the subject "Industrial art and design": 2010 – “Formative planning of industrial expositions’ design”, Seryakov V.A., St. Petersburg; 2012 – “Development of product’s design using automated variation of the model parameters”, Dronov V.V., Moscow. Grants 2003 – RFBR grant № 04-06-87020 Conferences International conferences: “Modern techniques and technologies” (Tomsk, TPU yearly); «In the new refraction: jewelry design» (St. Petersburg 2006); “Technologies for art material handling” (St. Petersburg 2009, Moscow 2010, Irkutsk 2014); “Modern technologies for art material handling” (Arkhangelsk 2011); “Actual research problems of ethno-cultural and ethno-ecological traditions of the Sayano-Altai” (Tyva 2013); “Theory and practice of modern design” (Tomsk 2014); “Business Convention for innovative technologies & processes” (Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2016, the application is accepted).