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29 publications (3 monographs, 20 research articles, 6 methodological training aids).


  1. “Calendars in the world people culture” – Tomsk: Pechatnaya manufactura, 2004. – 200 pp.

  2. Calendar in the traditional Selkup’s culture. – Tomsk: izdatel’stvo Tomskogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta, 2010 – 136 pp.

  3. Time understanding and calendar in the cultural world view. Preliterate people. – LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing – 2012 - 280 pp.

Main research articles

  1. «Saisons de l’année: le système temporel selkoup reconstruit» //Les languages ouraliennes aujourd’hui/The Uralic languages today – Paris: Editions Champion, 2005 – PP. 427-432

  2. To the question on the methodology of the Selkup’s calendar investigation /Sovremennie problemy nauki I obrazovaniya. – Moscow, 2010. - №2. – pp. 36-40

  3. «The calendar vocabulary as a study source of ancient cultural - linguistic contacts of Siberian indigenous peoples (To the problem of the origin of the words “spring”, “winter” in the Selkup and Ket languages) /European Journal of Natural history. – London, 2010. - № 1. – pp. 65-66

  4. (VAK list) «Peculiarities of the time reckoning in preliterate societies» /Vestnik TGPU, 2010. – Vip. 9 (99) – pp. 173-177

Main methodological training aids

  1. “Govorim na angliyskom, nemetskom, franzuzskom. Inostrannie yasiki v meditsinskoy praktike” /. Pod. Red. S.Kolesnikovoy. – Tomsk: isd-vo “Pechatnaya manufaktura”, 2007. – 252 pp. ( grif UMO po med. i farm. obrasovaniyu) L.P.Voronina i dr.)

  2. “Chitaem na angliyskom, nemetskom, franzuzskom. Uchebnoe posobie dlya studentov meditsinskikh (farmatsevticheskikh) vusov //Voronina L.P. I dr. Pod redaktsiey S.Y.Kolesnikovoy. – Tomsk: SibGMU, 2010. – 110 p.

  3. Grammatica nemetskogo yazyka dlya meditsinskikh spetsial’nostey. Uchebnoe posobie /Voronina L.P., Kolesnikova S.Y. – Tomsk: SibGMU, 2012. – 93 p.

Список публикаций

Количество записей: 0

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