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Education, achievements, rewards - 1992 - Tomsk State Pedagogical Institute (University), the Department of Foreign Languages. Received the qualification of teacher of English and German Languages
- 1994-1997 . – Tomsk State Pedagogical Institute (University), Postgraduate course.
- 2005 - Doctor's degree - Doctor of Cultural studies
- 2005 – Academic status - Associate professor
- 2010 - Academic status - Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural history.
- 2011 - Was awarded with the Certificate of Honor by Tomsk region governor
Work Experience - 2001- Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Siberian State medical University-present day
- 2009 – Professor (a part-time employee) of the Department of Foreign Languages – present (Tomsk Polytechnic University, Institute of Natural resources). Professional activity: teacher of English and German Languages, methodological and research activity.
Research and publication activity - 3 monographs, more than 20 research articles, 6 methodological training aids.
- Grants, research: Great Britain (1997, 2003), France (2003, 2005, 2007, 2012), the Kingdom of Cambodia (2012, 2013).
- Member of Dissertation board Д 212.267.18 (Tomsk State University)