Котов Сергей Олегович

Отдел развития онлайн образования, Ведущий программист

Тел.: 8 (3822) 60-64-69
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20 октября 2024 / Sunday / Неделя четная
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Higher technical, electrical engineer, Tomsk Polytechnic Institute, graduating in June 1984.

Work experience in the TPU:

1984 - Engineer, TPU

1995 - Department of Engineering Graphics, Art. teacher.

2009 - Department of Informatization of Education TPU, Head of the Laboratory №5 (Laboratory of technologies, systems and tools for computer-aided engineering and industrial design).

2014 And Currently Time:

1. Center Software And Technological Support Of e-Learning, e-Learning Institute, Lead Programmer.

2. Department of General Chemical Technology, Senior Lecturer

28.12.2015 - 12.02.2016. "Massive open online course: the development, promotion, application" 72, Tomsk State University  

30.09.2015 - 17.10.2015. "E-course: the development of multimedia educational materials " 36, Tomsk Polytechnic University


13.10 - 10.11.2014.
"The development of e-learning course on the subject based on the LMS Moodle with the use of IP-tools and e-learning services". 72, Tomsk Polytechnic University

21.10 - 29.10.2013, ООО "Ideal PLM CIS":
• Siemens NX. TRSIM100 NX Ad-vanced Simulation.
29.10 - 07.11.2013, ООО ООО "Ideal PLM CIS":
• Siemens NX. Teamcenter.

2008., Moscow, Bauman University, “Inventor Series”

Autodesk Certificate of Completion
2008 ,  “Работа в OracleAS Portal10g”, Tomsk Polytechnic University
2006, “Engineering and Computer Graphicsа”, Tomsk Polytechnic University
2001, “Engineering and Computer Graphics”, Tomsk Polytechnic University
and more....
Professional competence:

CAD, Product Design, Rapid prototyping, 3D Modelling:

Autodesk Inventor, CATIA, Tinkercad, Autodesk Fusion, Autodesk Showcase, DWF, Augment, Cloud services, and more...


Ee-Learning: Creation, development, configuration, deployment courses in LMS environment. Moodle, edX, MOOC's, LMS, Cloud services, and more...

Dreamveawer, Flash, video, graphics, and more...





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