Коротких Александр Геннадьевич
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25 февраля 2025 / Tuesday / Неделя четная
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Alexander Korotkikh is an Associate Professor in Combustion and Thermal Physics at the Institute of Power Engineering (IPE), Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), Russia. Following training in Heat Power Engineering and a period as thermal and heat engineering programme engineer he studied at the IPE TPU and graduated with BSc in Engineering and Technology.

Following that he was trained under the program of chemical physics, combustion and explosion at the Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (RIAMM), Tomsk State University (TSU), Russia and was awarded a PhD for research in the ignition and combustion of the high-energy materials based on metal nanopowders. This was followed by Postdoctoral positions at the RIAMM (Dept. Combustion and Hydrodynamics) on combustion of composite solid propellants, and at the Institute of Physics and Technology, TPU (Dept. Physics and Power Installations) on heat and mass transfer in nuclear power installations. He moved to the IPE (Dept. Nuclear and Thermal Power) in 2011 to a position as Lecturer in Heat Transfer, Gasification and Combustion. This was followed by a Doctor of Physical Science for research on ignition and nonstationary burning in solid propulsion of the modern composite solid propellants.

His research articles published in Journals “Combustion and Flame”, “Powder Technology”, “Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics”, “Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves” et al. He is a Reviewer Journals “Chemical Physics and Mesoscopy” published by the Institute of Mechanics Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, “Russian Physics Journal” published by TSU, and “Journal of Hazardous Materials” (Elsevier).
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