Career: - 1964 - 1967: Assistant, senior lecturer in philosophy of the Tomsk Medical Institute;
- 1967 - 1990: Tomsk Regional Committee of the CPSU - consultant, Deputy, Head of a Department, Secretary;
- 1990 - 1992: Doctoral student of the Academies of social Sciences; Academies of management;
- 1992 - 2000: Tomsk Polytechnic University. Director of the Russian-American Center;
Vice-rector for international cooperation; - 2000 - 2007: OJSC “Vostokgazprom” -Vice President. Working in OJSC “Vostokgazprom”, headed the Department of international management, fulfilling duties of the Director IMM TPU.
- 2008 – 2009: Director of the Institute of the International management TPU.
- 2009 – 2012 Head of the Chair of International Management Institute of engineering entrepreneurship TPU.
- 2012-present Professor of engineering entrepreneurship