Scientific activity: Academic adviser, co-author of papers: Juliy J. Katsman, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Tomsk Polytechnic University Scientific areas: - analysis and comparing methods for the mass test results. - development of the automation system of mass tests and educational progress assessment. The results of investigations: - Automation information system of the regional educational monitoring was developed and implemented in Tomsk region.
Problems to solve with this system: - automation of mass test procedures, test results processing, students’ educational progress estimation; - getting the detailed information about student’s educational progress on-the-fly and considering the further educational path and its improvement; - presentation of aggregative test results to the municipal or regional administration for educational system analysis and modification. - Method of statistical analysis of the results of the Unified state exam and regional educational monitoring was developed and the number of analitic and statistical papers were published.
- The number of the scientific papers (including RSCI and Scopus indexed journals) were published, the results of the investigations were reported within different conferences.