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Petrova G. I. , Brylina I. V. , Kulizhskaya E. G. , Kharina (Bogoryad) N. V. Corporate culture of contemporary research university in search of complementarity of humanitarian and commercial principles in education (Russian context) // Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. - 2015 - Vol. 166. - p. 505-510 Kharina (Bogoryad) N. V. , Lysunets T. B. , Shvagrukova E. V. Insights into culture of China, Japan and Korea: Textbook. - Tomsk ed. TPU, 2014 - 123 p. Bogoryad N.V. Experience of developing a system of special and inclusive education in China and Japan [electronic resource] // Theoretical and Applied Problems of Education and Science: Proceedings of the Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference: 13 volumes, Tambov, March 31 2014 - Tambov: Ucom, 2014 - V. 11 - P. 23-27. - Mode of access: http://www.ucom.ru/doc/conf/2014_03_31_11.pdf Bogoryad N.V., Lysunets T. B. The changing role of the teacher in the concept of blended learning // In the world of scientific discoveries. - 2014 - №. 3 (51). - P. 76-81 Bogoryad NV, Lysunets T.B. Modern educational technologies: from educational computer programs to e-learning // Development prospects of science and education: Proceedings of the Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference: 15 parts. Part 14, Tambov, 31 January 2014 - Tambov: Business-Science Society, 2014 - C. 17-19 Andreev D. I. , Gurjeva I. Y. , Kharina (Bogoryad) N. V. Taoism themes in modern Chinese cinematography [Electronic resources] // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences. - 2014 - №. 5. - p. 106-108. - Mode of access: http://jess.esrae.ru/8-117 Bogoryad N.V. , Lysunets T.B. The training model of students of the major "Region Studies" in the context of developing relationships with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region // In the world of scientific discoveries. - 2014 - №. 11.6 (59). - P. 2371-2380 Bogoryad N.V., Lysunets T.B. Implementation of students independent work in the framework of the rotational blended learning model in studies of a foreign language // Science and education in modern society: Proceedings of the Materials of the international scientific-practical conference: 18 m., Tambov 29 November 2013 - Tambov: Business-Science Society, 2013 - T. 9 - P. 29-31 Ivanova N., Kuznetsova A., Kharina (Bogoryad) N. Russia and Eastern Asia: national features of cuisine and table manners // Topical issues of the Humanities: a collection of the works of the IX International scientific-practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists - Tomsk, TPU, 22-23 April 2010 - Tomsk Univ. 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Список публикаций
Количество записей: 1
Лысунец, Т. Б. Приложение Padlet и другие инструменты информационно-коммуникационных технологий в обучении английскому языку = Padlet and other Information Communication Technology Tools in English Language Teaching / Т. Б. Лысунец, Н. В. Богоряд // Современные исследования социальных проблем : электронный научный журнал. — 2015. — № 10. — [С. 413-422]. — URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.12731/2218-7405-2015-10-38
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