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27 декабря 2024 / Friday / Неделя нечетная
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Research interests

Quality of engineering education, international requirements to learning outcomes, qualification frameworks, design, implementation and evaluation of educational programmes, modern teaching methods

Participated in Russian and international projects aimed at development of international cooperation and improvement of engineering education:

2012-2013 BEng – Network project: Modernization of Bachelor Programs in Engineering in accordance with International Standards of Engineering Education

2010-2013 ECDEAST: Engineering Curricula Design aligned with EQF and EUR-ACE Standards. The project of the TEMPUS Programme: 511121-TEMPUS-1-2010-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPCR

2006-2007 PRO-EAST Promotion and Implementation of the EUR-ACE Standards. The project of the Socrates-TEMPUS Programme

2004-2006 EUR-ACE (The project of the TEMPUS programme)