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Way to increase the energy efficiency of the distillation unit at ethylbenzene manufacturing technology / E. S. Khlebnikova, E. N. Ivashkina, A. V. Volf, I. O. Dolganova // Petroleum and Coal. — 2019. — Vol. 61, iss. 2. — [P. 402-406]. — URL: https://www.vurup.sk/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/PC-X-2019_Dolganova_8.pdf
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Increasing the economic efficiency of gasoline production: Reducing the quality giveaway and simulation of catalytic cracking and compounding / V. A. Chuzlov, G. Yu. Nazarova, E. D. Ivanchina [et al.] // Fuel Processing Technology. — 2019. — Vol. 196. — [106139, 13 p.]. — URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuproc.2019.106139
The quantity and amorphicity determination of oxidable coke on the zeolite-containing catalysts of cracking / G. Yu. Nazarova, E. N. Ivashkina, A. A. Oreshina [et al.] // Petroleum and Coal. — 2019. — Vol. 61, iss. 5. — [P. 1209-1213]. — URL: https://www.vurup.sk/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/PC-X-2019_Oreshina-106_rev1.pdf
The forecasting of the catalytic cracking products yield depending on the feedstock composition and the catalyst activity / G. Yu. Nazarova, E. N. Ivashkina, E. D. Ivanchina [et al.] // Petroleum and Coal. — 2019. — Vol. 61, iss. 6. — [P. 1575-1581]. — URL: https://www.vurup.sk/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/PC-X-2019_Nazarova-145_rev2.pdf
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Studying the influence of the conjugate technological stages on the performance of linear benzenes synthesis unit via the mathematical model / I. O. Dolganova, E. D. Ivanchina, E. N. Ivashkina, A. A. Borissov // Petroleum and Coal. — 2018. — Vol. 60, iss. 1. — [P. 1-6]. — URL: https://www.vurup.sk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/PC_6_2017_Dolganov-105.pdf
Influence of aromatics content in the feed stream on HF-catalyst regenerator and linear alkylbenzenes sulphonation reactor stability / I. O. Dolganova [et al.] // Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy. — 2018. — Vol. 53, № 2. — [P. 390-394]. — URL: http://dl.uctm.edu/journal/node/j2018-2/30_16_94_p_390_394.pdf
Simulation of the high-octane alkylates manufacturing considering the process unsteadiness / I. O. Dolganova, E. S. Burykhina, E. N. Ivashkina, A. V. Bekker // Petroleum Science and Technology. — 2018. — Vol. 36, № 7. — [P. 514-519]. — URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10916466.2018.1430153