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IST of publications Korol (Kuzmenko) Irina Stepanovna

1. Min R. S., Pshenichnikova T. L., Bauer, L. N., Kuzmenko I. S. Method of separating organic sulfur compounds from petroleum and petroleum products. Pat. RF # 2083640, MKI C 10 G 25/00, 29/12. Publ. in BI.-1997, № 19.

2. Kuzmenko I. S., Min, R. S. a Method of separating organic sulfur compounds from crude oils and petroleum products” RF Patent No. 21347111, MKI C10 G 25/00, 29/04, 29/12. Publ. BI.-1999, No. 23.

3. Kuzmenko I. S.,Nikolaeva T. L., Bauer L. N.,Min, R. S. Chromatographic separation or sulfur compounds using metal chlorides. Abstracts of 19 th International Meeting on Organic Geo chemistry 6-10 September, 1999. Istanbul, Turkey, Part II, PC 63, P. 583-584.

4. Nikolaeva T. L., Kuzmenko I. S., Min, R. C., Bauer L. N. The separation of sulfur compounds in the oil by chromatography on silica gel, modified with tin tetrachloride. Petrochemicals. 1999, vol. 39, no. 2, P. 144-147 5. Kuzmenko I. S., Min R. S., Regularities in the chromatographic separation of sulfur-containing compounds using chlorides of the metals. Chemistry for sustainable development, 1999, № 7.- P. 169-173

6. Kuz menko, R. S. Min. The use of silica gels modified with metal chlorides to isolate petroleum sulfur compounds.Progress in Oilfield Chemistry. V. 6. Managing Matured Fields and Wells. Ed. by Istvan Lakatos. 2005. P. 285-292.

7. Korol I. S. Modern technologies in teaching of natural science. New technologies in education: Sat. articles on the results of International scientific-practical conference, Krasnoyarsk: Izd. Research and innovation center, 2012.-203c.

8. Sergun V. P., Korol I. S., Min S. R., sulfur-organic compounds Nizhnevartovskogo high-sulphur oil field (Tomsk oblast). Chemistry for sustainable development, Vol. 22, No. 2, March-April 2014, Pp. 175-180. 9. Pevneva G. S., Voronetskaya N. G., Korol I. S., Golovko A. K. Hydrocarbon composition of thermolysis products of natural bitumen. Chemistry and technology of fuels and oils, No. 3, 2014, Pp. 23 – 25.

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